GliArchiEnsemble is a dynamic Italian chamber ensemble based in Palermo, Sicily. It was founded in 2003 as a small, conductorless string group by professional and enthusiastic musicians with the aim of making music together, exploring and refining the chamber music repertoire. The core of the ensemble consists of eleven string players under the leadership of its concert- master Domenico Marco.
The orchestra since then has successfully toured Australia (2005, 2007), South America (2010), Tunisia (2007), China (2008) and Europe and has been invited in several festivals, theatres and concerts series in their region, Sicily where they regularly perform and thoughtout Italy.
GliArchiEnsemble has already collaborated with renowned artists, such as Boris Belkin Massimo Quarta, Ramin Bahrami, Christoph Hartmann, Giovanni Sollima, Moni Ovadia, Simone Bernardini, Giovanni Antonini and the composers Roberto Molinelli and Carlo Boccadoro.
Their repertoire includes a variety of styles, ranging from baroque to contemporary works. Alongside performances of the main- stream repertoire, the ensemble focuses on performing unjustly neglected works and new compositions. Since it was founded, the group has released five CDs which have received plaudits from critics. The last CD (2018) includes the first recording of the string version of the Mozart Requiem arranged by his coeval composer Peter Lichtenthal.